The sweet fresh blend of Patchouli, Geranium and Ylang Ylang pairs the sensual scent of traditional aphrodisiacs with the grounding notes of relaxation, recreating the sweet memories of a romantic getaway.
Encapsulated in an emerald glass bottle, Scents of Spirit Essential Oil Blends are developed and curated by hand. Each and every individual blend is inspired by the power of essential oils in influencing both physical and emotional wellbeing.
Scents of the exotic
Scents of Spirit Essential Oil Blends can be used in the following ways:
- Baths - Essential oils should be added after you have run the bath (or they will evaporate too quickly).
Add approximately 6-8 drops of essential oils to the bath – they do not dissolve in water so mix with liquid soap, shower gel or a carrier oil (fractionated coconut or jojoba are slightly less greasy than other oils).
- Inhalations - These are very effective for respiratory problems and sinus infections, clearing the mucus and blocked noses associated with colds and flu. Float 2-4 drops of essential oil in a bowl of very hot water. Drape a large towel over the bowl and your head and breathe in the vapour for a few minutes with your eyes closed. (Asthma or allergy sufferers should inhale for 30 seconds for the first time to check they don’t react. If there is no problem then gradually increase to 5 minutes).
- Vaporisation - Great for adding a lovely, fresh scent to a room, killing airborne viruses or using relaxing oils in the bedroom to help with sleep. There are various ways of doing this ranging from placing 2-4 drops in a diffuser or a simple burner, or even placing a drop or 2 on a light bulb or radiator. Also, by using a room spray (6-8 drops of essential oil in water).
- Home cleaning – Make your own natural cleaning products using essential oils. Some of our favourites for cleaning are…. Lemon, peppermint, tea tree, pine, rosemary, lemongrass, lavender, orange & grapefruit. Our Scents of Adventure blend and both our Clearing the Senses blends are perfect for cleaning.
- Just before bed put 2 or 3 drops on a tissue inside your pillowcase.
Please note this product consists of 100% pure essential oils and must NEVER be applied directly to the skin.